Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to Avoid the Baby Sleep Mistakes Parents Often Make

How to Avoid the Baby Sleep Mistakes Parents Often Make
If baby sleep was an exact science, we'd probably all find parenting a whole lot easier.
Unfortunately, there's no rule book and what works for one baby doesn't always for another. When it comes to bedtime, however, there are some very common mistakes that parents – especially – new ones make. Some of the most common mistakes simply create bad habits for the baby down the road, but others can be downright dangerous.

Safety Mistakes To Avoid

In their haste and even desperation to catch a few winks of sleep themselves, many new parents often overlook basic safety rules. The mistakes to avoid in this category are worth paying attention to. Unfortunately, sometimes a baby's life depends on the right steps being taken. baby sleep

4 Common Bedtime Mistakes to Avoid

  • Putting her down on her stomach or side. It is incredibly tempting to do this, especially if a baby has a particular aversion to sleeping on her back. With Sudden Infant Death Syndrome so heavily correlated to side and stomach sleeping positions, it is just not worth taking this risk. Use a baby sleep positioner to ensure she's safe and consider finding other alternatives to help her rest right if she's having trouble in the back-only position.
  • Putting her in bed with Mom and Dad. Oh, this one is ever so tempting. It can be incredibly hard to put a baby down in her own crib or bassinette. This is especially the case if you know she's only going to wake up in an hour or two anyway. Still, this is a very dangerous choice to make – especially for a newborn. Everything from your blankets and pillows to your own body create major threats for a baby who cannot yet roll over. Think very carefully about the risks involved in this before moving forward.
  • Leaving her where she lies. Again, this is rather tempting when sleep has been erratic for weeks on end. Still, if baby falls asleep on the floor, the couch or another unsafe spot, leaving her is not a good idea. It is possible for someone else in the home not to notice her. It's also possible she'll roll off or over. If she falls asleep in her swing, car seat, bouncy seat or play pen, that's another story. Do not, however, leave her where she's unprotected.
  • Not reading labels. Every stitch of nighttime clothing and bedding should be inspected at the label. These items should be flame retardant. Make sure you know exactly what is going on a baby at night and in her crib to avoid a mistake that has no turning back point.

Comfort Is Key To Baby Sleep

In their quest to be perfect or even to enjoy a little peace, many new parents make some very big bedtime mistakes when it comes to baby's comfort, too. The simple fact of the matter is even the newest of newborns is pretty darn finicky about comfort.
The mistakes to avoid here include:
·         Bundling her up too much. Babies need to be kept in a room that's roughly between 74 and 78 degrees. They do not need to be bundled up like little Michelin Men. Avoid letting her overheat by carefully inspecting nighttime clothing. In general, all she needs is a light sleeper and the right swaddling blanket or sleeping sack. Anything more can cause overheating problems, which can hamper her sleep and even be a bit dangerous. baby sleep
·         Scratchy clothes or sheets. Make sure anything that touches baby's skin is soft, not scratchy and doesn't feel cold to the touch. Most parents opt for 100 percent cotton in everything from sheets to night clothes.
·         Toys in a crib or playpen. It's tempting to put all those cute little toys in a baby's bed at night, but if she's a newborn this can be a big mistake. Babies cannot really play with toys and if there are too many in her crib, they can sometimes cause problems with both comfort and safety.
·         Clothing that is too loose or too restrictive. Newborn babies tend to do very well in clothing that offers a swaddling effect. Older babies, however, might not appreciate the lack of limb movement that sleep sacks or swaddles provide. Adjust accordingly for her comfort. baby sleep
·         Uncomfortable sleeping surfaces. If a baby is used to a slightly thin and cushy bassinette mattress, switching her into a crib can be a little tough at first. The mattress should be firm, but not feel like a rock. If it's suspected the mattress is causing sleep problems, consider replacing it. Crib mattresses are generally fairly affordable.
When it comes to bedtime routines, the mistakes new parents and even experienced ones can make are pretty extensive. Either they don't create a routine at all or they tend to break them as fast as they are created. To avoid the pitfalls and the lack of sleep some parents experience, watch out for these mistakes that :
·         Creating elaborate routines. Especially with a very young baby, it is not important to create a bedtime routine that's long and involved. A simple plan and schedule is often the key here. Just pick a few steps – feeding, bath, dressing and singing – and stick with the plan every night when at all possible.
·         Breaking routines on a regular basis. While it's okay to break a sleep routine once in a while, doing it all the time is worse than not having a routine at all. When baby gets used to B coming after A, she will get confused and even cranky if what she expects to happen does not. baby sleep
·         Forcing routine items. While Mom and Dad might really like to sing their baby to sleep or even rock her, not all babies respond well to these things. Baby sleep music is very important for happy sleeping .Go with what she likes and remove items from a sleep routine that don't seem to work for her. The key is getting her to sleep soundly and comfortably.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Proper Dog Bathing Techniques

If you care about your dog, you should learn the proper procedure for dog bathing which can make life much easier for you and your dog. Your dog should only get a bath when he’s dirty and/or smells or you suspect he has fleas.
Most dogs don’t really care for bath time. This is why knowing proper dog bathing techniques will help ease your dog into the bath time procedure.
When dog bathing, if you plan to wash him in your tub, get him used to going in and out of the tub area by making a game out of it. The tub should be empty at this point. Once he’s comfortable with entering the tub, slowly get him accustomed to being around water by having him hear the water running and then have him enter the tub with very little water in it. Dipping your dog in warm water and towel drying him is another way to help get him accustomed to bath time.
Grooming is an important part of the dog bathing procedure. Introduce the grooming tools to him by having him sniff them. Be gentle when using the grooming tools for the first time because a bad experience, such as a nail being clipped to short or yanking on matted hair with a comb could have your dog running in the opposite direction every time its bath time. Investing this time will save you much grief later on.

Dog bathing procedure
Before you begin bathing your dog, make sure you have all the tools you will need for dog bathing and grooming. These tools are: Plenty of towels, hair dryer, comb or brush, cottonballs, ear wash, ear powder, cotton swabs, nail clippers, toothbrush, mineral oil, toothpaste, a small pitcher, blunt scissors, mineral oil, a stripping knife, dog shampoo and a few treats wouldn’t hurt either. You don’t want to leave your dog alone in the middle of a bath to get grooming supplies. The thought of what you might find when you come back can be quite scary.
Another thing you should do before dog bathing is brush him thoroughly. Remove all mats with a stripping knife, or for more stubborn matting, use a pair of blunt scissors because bathing can make matting worse.
Be sure to place a rubber mat in the tub (if you don’t already have one) to keep your dog from slipping and sliding. He could get injured. For smaller breeds you can use a rubber basin. This can keep dog bathing from being a backbreaking experience. The tub should only be filled up a few inches.
Assuming you’ve accustomed him to the bath area, it should be no problem getting him into the tub. If you have trouble getting him in, you can try using a harness and a leash (different from the leash used to take him out). If he attempts to bite, use a muzzle until he gets comfortable. Hopefully, you won’t have to use it all the time.
When starting your dog's bath, wet your dog using a small pitcher or a detachable nozzle. Do not get water in his face, this can scare him and make him afraid of water. Use a washcloth with a mild soap to clean his face.
Dog shampoo is recommended for dog bathing. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER CLEANING AGENTS, such as dish washing liquid, detergents, or human shampoo, which can strip your dog’s skin of its natural oils leaving it dry and chaffed. Use a dog shampoo that is appropriate for your dog’s breed, age and type of fur.
With a cotton swab, apply mineral oil around the eye area. This will protect his eyes from irritation.
Pour the shampoo from the back of his head down to the tip of his tail and lather. You may have to apply more to each of his legs and paws. Lather him up good and try not get shampoo in his eyes, nose or ears. Don’t forget to clean his belly. If your dog’s ears don’t flop over, put a cotton pad in each ear to keep water out. Don’t forget to take them out when you’re done.
Using a small cup, gently start to rinse his face avoiding as much as possible, getting water in his eyes, nose and ears. Do not use a detachable spray nozzle. This may be too aggressive initially. You can, however, use a spray nozzle for rinsing the rest of the body. Be sure to rinse a few times in order to get all the soap off the body because leftover soap can cause a skin irritation.
Once he’s been rinsed thoroughly, wrap him in a towel and towel dry him in a playful manner. This will help make dog bathing a pleasurable experience for both of you.
You will want to groom your dog after drying him because dogs tend to be very restless when they are wet. Use a hair dryer at a low setting to fluff dry your dog. If the weather is warm, you can lay out a few towels outdoors for him to lie on and leash him in the sun. He will use the towels to rub his ears against and the towels will keep him from getting dirty all over again. If you plan to put him outdoors, you may want to groom him first if you can keep him still.
Grooming your dog’s fur, ears, eyes, nails and teeth is part of the bathing routine. You will find more information on dog grooming through each of the links above. Remember, if grooming your dog is too much of a hassle, leave it to your groomer and just have him groomed more often.

Monday, April 15, 2019


Dog owners can offer the ideal surroundings for their to live a long time and be healthy. A proper diet and exercise program, while great for your dog, can not give your dog what it is missing and a supplement is recommended. Supplements should be thought of as enhancements for your pet, to be paired with the right foods and a good amount of exercise based on breed.
The same way people do, dogs can have similar problems. Dog food supplements can help to eliminate problems like fatigue and constipation. Why is this? Sometimes the dog’s food just isn’t giving its body what it needs. For example; inadequate fiber may result in constipation.
Laxatives are often used for an immediate solution by dog owners, but in the long run they may not work. Supplements can help your dog if he has needs that his food aren’t meeting. Dogs, just like humans, should be taking supplements as well.
But, it is necessary to have the correct ingredients. Each breed is different, so be sure to check with your Veterinarian about the appropriate supplement. We’ve seen a development over time that a few dog food supplements are not all-natural as they might claim.
The bones and tissues of a dog’s body can be harmed by unnatural ingredients. They’ll need something to pump these areas up, and the only way you’re going to be able to do that is with 100% natural ingredients. The natural method takes quite a big more time to see results and we understand that.
This is due to the indgredients working from the inside to the outside. If your dog’s diet is lacking in essentils, then supplements should be included. This can take time, but the long term results are very beneficial.
Something else to think about is how your dog responds to food. There is a risk of an upset stomach because of too much contamination or by-products.
If you supplement your dog’s food in the right way, this issue can be taken care of. Many dog owners who offer supplements to their dogs realize all the advantages. Young dogs aren’t the only ones who benefit from supplements. Whether its joint and tissue issues, ear infections, digestive tract issues, or anything else; it would be pointless. Surprisingly, it has even worked for dogs with bad breath. You need to concentrate on discovering a good business that offers dog food supplements. There are businesses that produce dog food supplements to help with gaining weight and you don’t want that.
All that your dog really requires is a multivitamin that covers the bases and complements a good diet. Personally I enjoy the brand NuVet Plus because they have 100% all natural ingredients. It’s packed with everything you need, I’ve seen it for myself. The ingredients are unique as they are not found in dog food supplements made by other companies.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


There’s one decision that plagues many concerned dog owners: soft or hard dog food? Dog food decisions are important because they have such an important impact on dog health. If you want a healthy dog who doesn’t drive you crazy with incessant dog scratching and itching, then it pays to make informed dog food choices.
While there’s no denying that dogs enjoy eating soft moist canned dog food, dry food and other crunchy items are essential for the dental health of your pet. So, as a dog owner wanting the very best for your dog, what is the best strategy?
One good solution is anytime you feed your dog canned dog food, add some form of crunchy, chewy food. It can even be dog treats if you or your dog don’t like dry kibble. You can also offer your dog chew toys to exercise her jaw and teeth.
Whether you choose to feed your dog moist or dry food, you need to provide your dog with something that gives a regular teeth and jaw workout. It would be a shame for your dog to develop dental issues due to you feeding your dog the wrong kind of food.
Dogs require hard materials to chew on, since this will offer their powerful jaw muscles a good workout and help to strengthen their teeth. Believe it or not, but it’s a good practice to brush your dog’s teeth at least twice weekly. However, if this is not possible, hard crunchy foods can help make up the difference.
And you know what? As a dog owner, you should brush your dog’s teeth at least twice weekly. But if you miss some sessions, hard chew items can also help loosen the build up of plaque and tartar.
It is essential that you choose the best natural puppy food, since this sets the stage and maintains your puppy’s good dental health as well as nutritional requirements.
It’s crucial that you choose good dog food for your puppy right from the start, since this sets the stage and maintains your puppy’s good dental health as well as nutritional requirements. If you would rather feed your dog moist, soft and tasty can foods it will be just fine, but do make sure that your dog also has access to things that he can give a good chew.
Looking to find the best deal on natural puppy food? Then visit the premier natural puppy food blog online.. Also published at Don’t Believe Everything You Hear About Dry Dog Food.


Sunday, April 7, 2019


If perhaps you are considering getting a puppy and you would likely choose a very small puppy then you’re positively certain to want to check into the cute toy dog breeds. These dogs are the tiniest of the bunch and I reckon that may be quite obvious since they are essentially labeling all of them playthings. But these are great pets and I also know both you and your loved ones will truly appreciate getting one of these brilliant toy dog breeds as a new family member. Therefore please pick one up in the event the desire strikes you.
The initial toy dog breed that I want to refer to is known as Papillon. A canine of this particular breed will live till it is about 15 years old. It should weigh around 10 pounds during it’s lifetime and it will grow to the height of approximately 11 inches tall. One of the exceptional attributes of this dog is it features big hairy ears that are really adorable. It is also an incredibly clever canine and easily trained.
Following that within our toy varieties which I want to talk about will be affenpinschers. An alternative name for this tiny guy is “monkey dogs” and the reason why they dub them that is because they have got very furry faces. They are going to merely weigh around ten pounds at their final size and also a dog such as this can live to around sixteen years old. It’ll develop to just about 12 inches plus it’s very strong for a tiny little dog.
You will have to pay attention to the males because they want to label their territory, and they are also willing to do it inside your residence thus you are going to need to be careful in that area. The other matter you want to be aware of is that this pet will certainly shed a lot so it is vital that you execute a daily grooming ritual to help keep it in tip top form and also to prevent it from shedding everywhere.
So here are not one but two more toy varieties that one could check into.
They’re both great dogs plus your kids and relatives will definitely love them as your pets.Toy Dog Breeds


Friday, April 5, 2019


Some people seem to think that it’s normal for dogs to be scratching constantly. That’s simply not true. Just like with humans, excessive itching is an indication that there is something the matter. If your dog is scratching and biting all the time, there’s obviously something wrong. The source of the itching could be anything ranging from dog hot spot to dog food allergies.
What is excessive? Let’s just say that if it is enough to be getting on your nerves, then it’s too much. And if it’s getting on your nerves, imagine how your dog feels!
Constant itching is not just annoying for you and your dog: if you don’t do something about it, it could seriously affect your dog health. Chronic scratching and biting at the skin can lead to all sorts of problems over time – from infections to hearing loss.

There are many reasons why your dog might be excessively itchy. One of the most common (and most overlooked) is dog food allergies.
When your dog suffers from any type of food allergy, common sense dictates changing the diet to exclude the allergic food. However, that is easier said than done because your dog can be allergic to a whole food item or just a part of that food item (a particular element of that food item, such as an enzyme).
Until you are able to pinpoint which food is causing the allergy or if your pet has multiple sensitivities, switching to a high-quality hypoallergenic dog food is a good first step.
Since your dog can be allergic to any of the ingredients in the normal packaged dog food – any of the major ingredients, preservatives, colorings, flavorings, or any of the multitudes of chemicals (even natural chemicals) – that go into the preparation of the dog food, you would definitely need to start giving your pet a diet prepared to exclude allergy-causing foods and chemicals.
Want to find out more about hypoallergenic dog food? Visit this site about natural puppy food recommendations for your special dog.. This article, Excessive Itching Can be Caused by Dog Food Allergies is available for free reprint.


Thursday, April 4, 2019


Every once in awhile, you need to give your dog a ride. Before you get behind the wheel with a hound on board, know that there is a list of safety guidelines you should keep in mind. It doesn’t matter if you will be travelling intercity for a holiday, or just driving him to his health checkup at the local vet.
To start off, train your dog to remain in the back seat whenever he is inside the vehicle. Doing so will lessen the probability of him disrupting your driving, and this can potentially force you to make a vehicle insurance claim. When your dog is situated at the right position, get him to stay put by asserting the command whenever he tries to wiggle his way out. Time and persistence will persevere.

You will also want to keep him comfortable. Ensure the dog has adequate space to stretch a bit every once in a while, which some vehicles like the Ford Escape is more up for the task. Try and minimise his boredom by loading some of his favourite snacks, toys, or that towel of which he is very affectionate of.
A lot of dogs do get car sick easily. Dogs usually can not grasp the idea of staring into the windscreen to reduce the ailment. Getting sun shadings for your side windows can help. Vets can also provide applicable medication for your traveling hounds if necessary.

Another note if you are going on a long distance road trip, feed your dog a reduced amount of dinner on the evening prior to the journey, and refrain from giving him any food shortly before he mounts the vehicle. Doing so can ensure minimum amounts of contents in his stomach, and the travelling motions can often induce him to vomit. When using treats in the car, do so very sparingly.

Extra steps should be taken when it comes to air flow. Keep in mind that a dog is more prone to overheat than a person. The inside of a car can effortlessly become over 20 degrees hotter than the outside, which have been known to be deadly for both small animals and kids. When opening the windows to bring in fresh air, don’t entice your dog to fall out of the car by leaving an over-sized opening.
As a bonus, look up for pet safety harness and seat belts both in pet supplies shops and websites. Many of these apparatus are built to work with the car’s seat belts. A dog seat belt not only provides the most compatible on board restraint for your animal, it also keeps him from addition injuries in an unforeseen collision.

Drive smoothly with your dog. It’s bad enough you could potentially traumatize him. Satisfy your speed lust with to drifting games instead.

Monday, April 1, 2019


There are many people that are passionate when it comes to caring for their beloved pets. They ensure that those animals are seen by medical professionals when they need it and get the right amount of exercise on a regular basis. They are very particular about the food that they receive. Many of them are curious about the raw dog food diet.
The raw dog food diet is made up of things that a dog would eat in the wild so it’s not an unheard of thing. It’s filled with raw meats, bones, veggies and fruits. It’s a diet that is not universally accepted and many are in favor of it for different reasons.
The raw dog food diet has many benefits that have dog owners switching from their current diet. This is a diet that reportedly produces a shinier coat, healthy skin and more energy in the dogs that eat it. The nutrients and other enzymes that are in the foods aren’t changed by the heating and preserving process of processed foods.
Some of the changes the raw dog food diet produces are visible but there are important ones that take place in the dog. Because the foods are raw and there aren’t many additives and preservatives, more of the food is broken down and absorbed into the body. With not much left as a waste product, a dog’s stools are much smaller than they normally are.
There are many dogs that have a huge popularity that have eaten raw dog food for many years. Racing greyhounds are one of the most familiar dogs of the country as are sled dogs. These dogs have been known to enjoy great health and energy and one of those reasons may be due to their diet. Racing greyhounds and sled dogs are the epitome of what this diet does for the dogs that eat it.
There are many dogs that benefit from eating a raw dog food diet but it is not a diet that all dogs can eat. Dogs that have an unhealthy immune system shouldn’t take part of this diet. The bacteria in the food may have adverse effects. Puppies also shouldn’t be placed on the raw dog food diet. They have different nutrient needs and vets are afraid this diet wouldn’t provide a great deal of the necessary nutrients they need.
Once a pet owner decides they are going to put their animal on the raw dog food diet, they are often surprised at the cost of it. The raw food diet is more expensive because the ingredients used are fresh rather than processed. These ingredients can be bought individually at a local grocery store, like any other groceries. They can also be prepared and waiting in a freezer at the local pet store.
There are some pet owners that aren’t convinced of the benefits of a raw dog food diet for their pets. There are some times that nature provides everything that is necessary. There are other times that nature needs a little help. Before any responsible pet owner decides to switch their pet to this diet, they should talk to their vet.
I’m a dog health consultant who specializes in natural pet products.


Friday, March 29, 2019


For people with a dog or puppy dog you should understand how irritating it really is when they are certainly not trained correctly. A poorly trained dog may cause all kinds of problems – not heading over whenever called, pulling in the leash as well as aggressiveness with other individuals and also other animals. That most likely isn’t really what anyone decided upon after you acquired your canine friend in the first place.
Yet the good news is that it doesn’t have to get like this. And if you’re convinced that you will have to seek the services of a really expensive dog training that will help you with your dog or puppy training difficulties (which could run to large sums of money an hour) then you’ll definitely also be thrilled to understand that there are items that you personally can perform to get a properly trained as well as obedient canine. Puppy Training

The main element to productive canine and puppy instruction should be to comprehend their particular mindset, the direction they are thinking. This really is totally different to the manner in which people think. Lots of unnecessary stress transpires pertaining to pet dog and puppy dog keepers simply because they can’t understand why their pet doesn’t understand what they want it to accomplish. But that is because they’re not communicating with their canine from the dog’s language. This could be similarly irritating for the dog – it really wants to delight its master but it can not determine what the owner would like it to try and do!
What’s necessary is to realize that canines are actually pack creatures. Which means that, from the wilderness, one of the canines (usually the strongest male) would probably assume the position of leader and tell everyone else in the pack what direction to go and also when. This can be important to the pack’s surviving; only by working together can they obtain the food they need and ward off various other predators. The types of decisions the particular pack alpha dog makes would include when and what to eat, what to do and the way to behave.

Consequently that suggests that you need to communicate to your own canine or puppy you are in control. Don’t allow your pet decide exactly what it is going to do and when. You will notice that once your canine “receives the concept” that you are in control it’s going to relax its actions almost immediately.
When you actually tell it that you are the actual boss, not only will your pet be much better behaved and much more obedient, it’ll be more happy as well. Crate Training Puppies


Saturday, March 23, 2019


Like homo-sapiens, dogs need nourishing nutrient dense diets. If homo-sapiens ate nothing but fast food all the time, all we would have was sugar flowing through our bodies. Because dogs can’t digest grain or wheat very well, it turns into sugar, but with grain free dog food, dogs get nutrient dense diets just as if they were in nature.

Though, your house pet may not be wild by nature, he stemmed from the wild, and requires the same diet as a wild canine does. In the wild, canines eat raw meat from animals that they have killed or found that are dead. They consume a wide variety of animals, such as fish, deer, and farm animals. Because uncooked meat can be contaminated, grain free is a healthy alternative.

Your dog will be getting a great amount of protein, and a high calorie diet, and you may have to modify what they eat from what they used to eat. Though making a few alterations can take time and cause a burden, the nutritional value of grain free considerably makes up for the changes you will have to make.
As with dogs in the wild, grain free fed dogs get proteins and a small amount of plant fiber. Because these are high in calories, your dog will not need to eat as much dog food if it is a house dog, however, if your dog gets a lot of exercise, it will eat about the same amount. Changing how much your dog eats and how often will vary by dog.

Many individuals ponder why grain fee is superior and if there is any visible alteration between a dog that eats regular dog food and a dog that eats grain free. The answer is yes. There remain significant obvious differences between the two dog foods. Dogs that eat grain free have polished coats, healthier skin, fresher breath, higher energy levels, and fewer stools compared to dogs that don’t.

Providing sufficient nutrition ensures a better-quality life for your lovable pet, as you will begin to see a transformation. Because grain free fed dogs apply less of their energy trying to breakdown the grains in their bodies, in order to use it, they are in good health in all the other areas they were once missing.
As you go to the department store, you might see hundreds of products and kinds of canine food. Though, each one assures you the finest nutrition for your canine, many of these ploys are just marketing strategies. The safest thing to do when going to the department store to select dog food is to read the label. Many bags will say organic, but that doesn’t mean grain free. Make sure you find the bag that is entirely grain and wheat free.

If you would like your dog to survive to see your grandchildren, feeding them grain free dog good is the first step. Pets are part of the family and they ought to have just as much love, care, and nutrition as any one of the humans in your family. Give your dog a better life; feed them grain free.
I’m a dog health consultant who specializes in organic human grade dog food.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


The Collie dog makes an excellent sporting dog and can be trained to do the work of the Pointer and the Setter, as well as that of the Water Spaniel and the Retriever. He can be trained to carry out the work of other dog breeds as well. It is smart at hunting, having an excellent nose, is a first-rate vermin-killer, and a most faithful guard dog and buddy.

Little is known with confidence of the source of the Collie, but his cunning and his outward looks would appear to indicate a relationship with the wild dog. Buffon was of point of view that he was the true dog of nature, the standard and model for the whole canine species.

He thought the Sheepdog superior in instinct and intellect to all other breeds, and that, with a character which other breeds do not share. It is the only creature that is born completely trained for the assistance of man.
At the shows this kind of dog is invariably at the top of the group. It is thought to be the most tractable, and is certainly one of the most agile. The second most popular breed of this type is the smooth-coated variety, which is a very hard-working, useful dog, well adapted for hill work and normally very fleet of foot.
He is not so amiable in temper as the black and white, and is slow to make friends. There is not a more graceful and physically good-looking dog to be seen than the show Collie of the present period. Produced from the old working animal, he is now almost a distinct breed.

The skull should be flat, fairly wide between the ears, and steadily tapering towards the eyes. There should only be a small depression at the bottom. The width of skull necessarily depends upon the combined length of skull and muzzle; and the whole must be measured in connection with the size of the animal. The cheeks should not be full or prominent.

The muzzle should be of a decent length, tapering to the nose, and must not show feebleness. Whatever the colour of the dog, the nose must be black. The teeth should be of a good size, sound and level; very minor unevenness is permissible.

The mouth should be clean-cut and powerful. The eyes are a very essential feature, giving expression to the dog; they should be of medium size, set somewhat at an angle, of almond shape and brown colour except in the case of merles, when the eyes are often (one or both) blue and white or china; expressing high intelligence, with a bright, alert look when they are listening.
The ears should be and moderately wide at the base, located not too close together but on the top of the skull and not on the side of the head. When in repose they should be carried thrown back, but when on the alert brought forward and carried semi-erect, with tips somewhat drooping in the attitude of listening.
The neck should be muscular, powerful, of reasonable length, and a little arched. The body should be burly, with well sprung ribs, deep chest, fairly broad behind the shoulders, which should be sloping, loins very powerful..
The fore legs must be straight and strong, leaning neither in nor out at the elbows, with a fair amount of bone; the forearm rather fleshy, the pasterns showing suppleness without weakness. The hind-legs should be muscular at the thighs, clean and sinewy below the hocks, with well-bent stifles. The feet should be oval in shape, soles well padded, and the toes arched and close together.

Its general character is to be a lissom, lively dog, his deep chest showing lung power, his neck strength, his sloping shoulders and well bent hocks representing speed, and his expression of high intelligence. It should be a fair length in the leg, giving him more of a racy than a plodding appearance.
In a few words, a Collie should show endurance, activity, and intelligence, with free and deliberate actions. In height dogs should be 22 ins. to 24 ins. at the shoulders, bitches 20 ins. to 22 ins. The weight for dogs is 45 to 65 lbs., bitches 40 to 55 lbs. The smooth collie only differs from the rough in its coat, which ought to be hard, thick and very smooth.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on a number of subjects, but is now concerned with the canine distemper vaccination. If you want to know more, please go to our website at Distemper Vaccines
