Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to Avoid the Baby Sleep Mistakes Parents Often Make

How to Avoid the Baby Sleep Mistakes Parents Often Make
If baby sleep was an exact science, we'd probably all find parenting a whole lot easier.
Unfortunately, there's no rule book and what works for one baby doesn't always for another. When it comes to bedtime, however, there are some very common mistakes that parents – especially – new ones make. Some of the most common mistakes simply create bad habits for the baby down the road, but others can be downright dangerous.

Safety Mistakes To Avoid

In their haste and even desperation to catch a few winks of sleep themselves, many new parents often overlook basic safety rules. The mistakes to avoid in this category are worth paying attention to. Unfortunately, sometimes a baby's life depends on the right steps being taken. baby sleep

4 Common Bedtime Mistakes to Avoid

  • Putting her down on her stomach or side. It is incredibly tempting to do this, especially if a baby has a particular aversion to sleeping on her back. With Sudden Infant Death Syndrome so heavily correlated to side and stomach sleeping positions, it is just not worth taking this risk. Use a baby sleep positioner to ensure she's safe and consider finding other alternatives to help her rest right if she's having trouble in the back-only position.
  • Putting her in bed with Mom and Dad. Oh, this one is ever so tempting. It can be incredibly hard to put a baby down in her own crib or bassinette. This is especially the case if you know she's only going to wake up in an hour or two anyway. Still, this is a very dangerous choice to make – especially for a newborn. Everything from your blankets and pillows to your own body create major threats for a baby who cannot yet roll over. Think very carefully about the risks involved in this before moving forward.
  • Leaving her where she lies. Again, this is rather tempting when sleep has been erratic for weeks on end. Still, if baby falls asleep on the floor, the couch or another unsafe spot, leaving her is not a good idea. It is possible for someone else in the home not to notice her. It's also possible she'll roll off or over. If she falls asleep in her swing, car seat, bouncy seat or play pen, that's another story. Do not, however, leave her where she's unprotected.
  • Not reading labels. Every stitch of nighttime clothing and bedding should be inspected at the label. These items should be flame retardant. Make sure you know exactly what is going on a baby at night and in her crib to avoid a mistake that has no turning back point.

Comfort Is Key To Baby Sleep

In their quest to be perfect or even to enjoy a little peace, many new parents make some very big bedtime mistakes when it comes to baby's comfort, too. The simple fact of the matter is even the newest of newborns is pretty darn finicky about comfort.
The mistakes to avoid here include:
·         Bundling her up too much. Babies need to be kept in a room that's roughly between 74 and 78 degrees. They do not need to be bundled up like little Michelin Men. Avoid letting her overheat by carefully inspecting nighttime clothing. In general, all she needs is a light sleeper and the right swaddling blanket or sleeping sack. Anything more can cause overheating problems, which can hamper her sleep and even be a bit dangerous. baby sleep
·         Scratchy clothes or sheets. Make sure anything that touches baby's skin is soft, not scratchy and doesn't feel cold to the touch. Most parents opt for 100 percent cotton in everything from sheets to night clothes.
·         Toys in a crib or playpen. It's tempting to put all those cute little toys in a baby's bed at night, but if she's a newborn this can be a big mistake. Babies cannot really play with toys and if there are too many in her crib, they can sometimes cause problems with both comfort and safety.
·         Clothing that is too loose or too restrictive. Newborn babies tend to do very well in clothing that offers a swaddling effect. Older babies, however, might not appreciate the lack of limb movement that sleep sacks or swaddles provide. Adjust accordingly for her comfort. baby sleep
·         Uncomfortable sleeping surfaces. If a baby is used to a slightly thin and cushy bassinette mattress, switching her into a crib can be a little tough at first. The mattress should be firm, but not feel like a rock. If it's suspected the mattress is causing sleep problems, consider replacing it. Crib mattresses are generally fairly affordable.
When it comes to bedtime routines, the mistakes new parents and even experienced ones can make are pretty extensive. Either they don't create a routine at all or they tend to break them as fast as they are created. To avoid the pitfalls and the lack of sleep some parents experience, watch out for these mistakes that :
·         Creating elaborate routines. Especially with a very young baby, it is not important to create a bedtime routine that's long and involved. A simple plan and schedule is often the key here. Just pick a few steps – feeding, bath, dressing and singing – and stick with the plan every night when at all possible.
·         Breaking routines on a regular basis. While it's okay to break a sleep routine once in a while, doing it all the time is worse than not having a routine at all. When baby gets used to B coming after A, she will get confused and even cranky if what she expects to happen does not. baby sleep
·         Forcing routine items. While Mom and Dad might really like to sing their baby to sleep or even rock her, not all babies respond well to these things. Baby sleep music is very important for happy sleeping .Go with what she likes and remove items from a sleep routine that don't seem to work for her. The key is getting her to sleep soundly and comfortably.

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